difficulty when opening the hotel restaurant

You are cherished the idea of building a hotel chain, a place where customers can enjoy delicious food, just enjoy the space, luxury resorts? However, behind the dream that is the challenge. In today's article, let's Towels Cheap learn the difficulties when opening the hotel restaurant as well as refer to the experience when opening and restaurant management hotel treasures from those who have succeeded, to help you feel more confident on the road start of his career.

The difficulty when opening the hotel restaurant

Fierce competition

Hotel market and restaurant is now becoming increasingly vibrant and diverse. The opening of a base of new business in the field means you will have to face fierce competition from rivals big and small. To attract customers and created a foothold in the market, you need to be constantly innovating, looking for the difference and create unique experiences for customers. This requires you to have a strong investment in the quality of service, space design, and branding.

Industry hotels and restaurants today competition is fierce
Industry hotels and restaurants today competition is fierce

Capital investment

Open a hotel or restaurant requires some initial investment is quite big. From the hire or purchase of premises, built and furnished to the procurement of raw materials, equipment, kitchen, recruiting and training staff, all of which need a considerable cost. The difficulty when opening the hotel restaurant related to financial problems is something that many people start to encounter. The mobilization of capital, cash flow management and cost optimization is the challenge.

Commissioning of the complex

Managing a hotel or restaurant is a job that requires a lot of skill and experience. The difficulty when opening the hotel restaurant related to the operation is very diverse. With area restaurants, you have to manage personnel, planning menu, quality control, food hygiene and safety, brand promotion, handle the situations that arise with customers,...

Similar towards the hotel area, business owners also need to manage a wide range of services, quality assurance, premises and meet the diverse needs of customers and face many different challenges. All these jobs require you to have the ability to organize, sort, efficient work, as well as the ability to communicate and solve problems well.

Legal regulations

Industry hotels and restaurants under the strict management of the law. The difficulty when opening the hotel restaurant related to compliance with the regulations on safety, food hygiene, fire safety, labor,... is very large. Ensuring quality, hygiene and food safety is not only required but also the deciding factor to the reputation and success of the business F&B. The updated and compliance with the legal regulations constantly change, is also a difficult journey for the business owners.

F&B under the strict management of the law, which requires businesses to comply with more complex rules
F&B under the strict management of the law, which requires businesses to comply with more complex rules

Risk market volatility

Business activities hotels and restaurants greatly influenced by external factors such as economic fluctuations, and epidemics, natural disasters, changes in customer preferences,... The difficulty when opening the hotel restaurant related to dealing with these risks is inevitable. Therefore, the construction of the contingency plan and the ability to adapt to the changes of the market is extremely important.

Experience when opening and restaurant management hotel

Research the market thoroughly

Before embarking on business, restaurant or hotel, the market research is extremely important. You need to define the object, the target customers of who he is, they have needs, what interests out why. At the same time, let's analyze the competition to find out the strengths, their weaknesses and from there launched the business strategy accordingly.

Business plan details

A business plan details will be the “map” instructions for you throughout the business process. This plan consists of many elements such as: financial planning (cost estimates, revenue), the plan marketing (promotional activities, media), hr planning (recruitment, training), plans to operate (the workflow),...

Business plan is a "map" detailed instructions for all business activities
Business plan is a “map” detailed instructions for all business activities

Pick the right places

The choice of business location can greatly affect the success of a restaurant or hotel. A beautiful locations, convenient transportation, close to residential areas or tourist attractions will help you attract more customers.

Build a team of professional staff

Employees are the most valuable asset of any business. Recruiting and training a team of professional staff, enthusiastic and have good service attitude is extremely important. A team of skillful staff will help you create great experiences for customers.

A team of professional staff will help businesses create competitive advantage
A team of professional staff will help businesses create competitive advantage

Investing in interior design

Beautiful space, the impression will create a highlight and attract customers. Let's invest in interior design to create a space that is comfortable, luxurious and fits with the style of restaurant or hotel.


Open a hotel or restaurant always is the dream of many people. However, behind the sparkling lights of the luxury restaurant or hotel room facilities is both a challenging process. From the business planning details, personnel management efficiency to the face of fierce competition in the market, the challenge is ever-present and requires business owners to have thorough preparation.

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