khan modal khan tencel 1

Scarf Modal and linen tencel is two products are popular with consumers because of its safety as well as the quality of them bring. However, there will be the differences between towels, Modal and linen Tencel. So, two types of this scarf them how different? Today's article Khan Nam Phong will describe in detail about the two types of this scarf to you to easily distinguish them offline!

Reference offline:

Characteristics scarf modal & scarf tencel

Each type of towel has the characteristic properties different, both in terms of material and color. Let's compare them different and the same as how.

Scarf Modal

Scarf modal or also known as fiber towels oak, type this scarf is derived from an oak tree. The tree is ground into powder which is then pull the yarn through nanotechnology, fiber oak is produced out to be woven into the fiber towels oak. This plant has the ability to stack vermin and when grown without the use of chemicals to fertilize and preservation. Therefore, the material of the scarf modal is rated very friendly with environment.

Characteristics of the scarf modal (yarn oak)
Characteristics of the scarf modal (yarn oak)

Scarf Tencel

Scarf Tencel or also known as scarf Lyocell, is material made from wood pulp synthesis of the trees, their Needles such as bamboo, trees, eucalyptus trees, eucalyptus,... Trunks of the trees will be ground into powder and dried. Material is pulled yarn with Nano technology and undergo the process handle termites, moisture, very strict, should help the towel has antibacterial properties and prevents mold and unpleasant odors during use later.

Characteristic properties of the scarf Tencel
Characteristic properties of the scarf Tencel

 Because yarn scarf Modal is produced from raw material, oak trees, not as difficult Tencel is produced from wood pulp, synthetic. Should scarf yarn oak will absorb color better and will be varied more colors, not fading over time. Longer scarf Tencel will quickly fade color over scarf Modal.

Scarf Lyocell there will be about 5 colors universal, longer scarf yarn oak has more than 10 different colors. This helps you to have more choice in the purchase of a towel.

Advantages and disadvantages of scarf Tencel and linen yarn oak

With fiber towels oak


  • Have the ability to decompose naturally in soil, extremely environmentally friendly life.
  • Made of natural materials should not contain harmful substances, is absolutely safe for users ' health.
  • Has antibacterial, good should be compatible with all environments, time to save the climate. Be resistant to moisture, mold, unpleasant odors due to the monsoon cause.
  • When using a towel, especially in the hot summer, you will feel the cool, pleasant of scarf Modal.
  • Scarf has the surface slick is resistant to shrinkage, high should be washed many times difficult keeping the shine on the surface of the scarf and the color of the scarf.
  • Has soft and smooth certain, sweat-absorbent, extremely good.
  • Is resistant to wrinkle and not be charged during use.
Advantages and disadvantages of scarf yarn oak
Advantages and disadvantages of scarf yarn oak


For scarf Modal only a few minor blemishes such as: laundry, dry longer and it is more expensive than scarf Tencel. This is also evident because scarf Modal is made from raw oak, longer Tencel is made from wood composite, so the price will be higher than scarf Tencel. Along with the absorbent capacity of the scarf should be dry towel dry longer than.

With scarf Tencel


  • Scarf Tencel soft, smooth and good ventilation. Because fiber towels are woven yarn, and sir, should help the skin always dry.
  • Sử dụng làm towels hay khăn mặt đều thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, hạn chế được vi khuẩn, ẩm mốc, ngăn ngừa các bệnh ngoài da như khăn sợi sồi.
  • 't be charged and cheating, good wrinkle, helps scarf always new when to use each.
  • Not subject to shrinkage fiber towel after washing
  • Safe for the skin, including sensitive skin.
Advantages and disadvantages of scarf Tencel
Advantages and disadvantages of scarf Tencel


  • The color of the scarf tencel are easy to fade color
  • The absorbent capacity less than scarf Modal
  • Scarf not be as slick as scarf Modal

How to distinguish scarf yarn oak with scarf Tencel

Scarf Modal when looked at, and we will see yarn ball and bright scarf are the thickness and smooth, holding on to the very cool hand. Longer scarf tencel will see yarn scarf't be glossy, scarf will be thinner and more sparse. The special thing we can get to know it's yarn scarf Tencel bigger yarn scarf Modal.

>>> Read more: [Read] Fiber Towels Oak (Modal) What Is? Benefits Of Towel Modal

Evaluate the quality of the scarf Modal compared with scarf Tencel

Each person will have their preferences and needs, personal use only. Both towels have the safety of quality and durability. However scarf modal back slightly little bit of quality. But in return linens tencel cost more. So you consider the purpose of its use is and what your needs how to choose the most suitable towel. Often used is scarf, gift premium

>>> See more: Do You Know “Material Tencel” What Is It? | Use Do Scarf Is Not?

We have seen clear the different scarf Modal and linen Tencel okay. Towels Cheap believe that you will choose the most suitable towel. In addition to guaranteed not to buy the wrong goods of poor quality, please contact us directly with Towels Cheap to be us specific advice, okay!