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A high class hotel, always geared to the high-grade, luxury and convenience for travelers. They always bring the most comfort to their customers from the smallest things. And towel hotel is no exception. Choosing towels for 3-5 star hotels is always difficult for every business resort. Therefore, to choose your hotel towels match always need to keep in mind with the things that Men about to say below.

Note Choose Towels 3-5 Star Hotels

Khi mua towels cho khách sạn luôn gặp phải khó khăn về chất lượng,  độ uy tín của nơi bán cũng như khăn sử dụng có tốt hay không. Vì thế khi mua khăn khách sạn bạn cần phải lưu ý 5 vấn đề sau:


Material to choose towel for hotel, not where others will be towel cotton vì tính năng lẫn hình thức đều phù hợp cho môi trường kinh doanh khác sạn. Một số nơi họ còn đầu tư cả bamboo fiber towels (Bamboo) nhưng loại khăn này không dày dặn, kém bền cũng như giá cao hơn hẳn so với khăn cotton nên rất ít khách sạn nào chọn khăn sợi tre làm khăn tắm cho khách sạn của mình.

So choose towels cotton for hotels is always a wise choice. Towel cotton always ensure the soft, anti-microbial ability, highly absorbent, soft and safe for the skin. More specifically, the kind of difficulty this is quite durable, so you also never have to worry about the costs change towels frequently.

Material towel hotel
Material towel hotel


However, the same type of towels, but about the size, then different much. For towels hotel will be the following size: 60×120 cm, 70×140cm, 80×140 cm,... With many sizes so your job is to choose the type of towel has a size consistent with the space, the room and the standard of the hotel. Depending on how big or small will use towels with different sizes, so you need to specifically note this issue offline.

Size bath towel, hotel fit
Size bath towel, hotel fit


In the season around the year always brings a different climate. You know the weather changing different hot and cold always affect the mood of each of us or not. Therefore, the thickness towels will determine the comfort and mood of the customer when using the towel that.

To choose bath towel or face towel has consistent thickness, then we take based on the weather in the seasons of the year. With summer, the hot sun, then choose towel or towels have the moderate thickness, or thin to bring cool feeling for customers to use. In addition, when winter came, the weather also becomes colder, then choose a scarf, it's thick to keep warm for customers, it is extremely necessary.

Towel Hotel Hai Phong – WHOLESALE HOTEL TOWELS SLL nationwide

Thickness hotel towels
Thickness hotel towels


Color hotel towels influence is also much less to the form of the hotel. The majority of hotels will choose monochromatic colors instead of having too many colors featured in the room. The most common colour schemes used in the hotel is the white color to bring the delicate and gentle for the space. However, you can change the other neutral colors such as Grey, brown, chocolate, light brown,... Depending on the design style, the colors that you select the towel color matching.

Color hotel towels
Color hotel towels

Address Buy Scarf

Where to sell towels prestigious hotels
Where to sell towels prestigious hotels

Whether you are used to select which color suit hotel is cheap, but the quality of the towel does not guarantee it will also be very costly to scarf damaged. Choosing where to sell towels prestigious hotels always is most essential for you. Choose where to sell scarf has a thickness of long experience, is appreciated by many people, as well as be clearly branded will ensure credibility for you.

>>> See more: Buy Hotel Towels liquidation Quality, Best Price

Towels Cheap – Address Scarf PRESTIGIOUS Hotels nationwide

Towels Cheap will be a good choice for you with experiences over 30 years and 10 years directly provide towels on the market. We are manufacturing unit towel directly, not through any intermediaries should always ensure quality as well as best price in the market.

Yet, we are many customers in and abroad trust, export to many countries such as Usa, Canada, south Korea, India, Japan,... Should be on the quality of difficulties we are always committed to meet export standards. In addition, we have a team of consultants also professional delivery, quick support, you choose to be scarf pattern like the best.

>>> See more: 5+ The Truth Towel Hotel Liquidation That You Should Know

If you have demand buy hotel towels wholesale price 3 to 5 stars, you can contact us via SDT: 0903 367 867 for advice & best quotes offline.